Friday, August 10, 2012

2012 O/U NFL Challenge - Entries and Guidance

The deadline for entries in the 2012 Over/Under NFL Challenge is on the horizon.  The Locks needs to receive all submissions ( by 11:00 p.m. (Pacific) on Tuesday, September 4.  As with last season, participation in this internationally acclaimed event will set you back $20.  For those in need of a payment plan option, go find another pool to float in.
The rules for the Over/Under challenge are clear and beyond reproach.  They remain the same as always.  Review the predicted win totals for each team as provided by the Las Vegas Hilton (see numbers to the left) and select three teams that you think will win less games than the Vegas prediction (Unders) and 3 teams that you think will win more games than the Vegas prediction (Overs).  
You choose your 6 teams and email them to me before the first game of the NFL season (scheduled for September 5 - Big Blue to kick some Cowboy ass!) and the deadline referenced above.  At the end of the season, whoever has the most correct teams wins the pool.  Simple enough.  We have tie-breakers covered though I won't go into the complex abacus-required mathematics in this post.
Once all entries are received, we will post them all on Absolute Locks so we can all follow along throughout the season.  As you'll see, we've also carved out some valuable real estate to honor previous seasons' victors, none other than Richie Cunningham aka Craig Kadden and Screech Powers aka Eric Burke.  Pick prudently and you may find yourself in the Champion Corner come this time next year.
Spread the word liberally.  All are welcome as long as they will pay the entry fee.