Friday, November 6, 2009

College Football Friday

Let's keep the winning rolling with another weeknight CFL tilt. Last night we relied on an ironclad rule of college football gambling to take home so dough. Tonight we shift from rule to theorem, as in the Boise State Theorem (BST). Recall that the BST proposes that with an interest in making the strongest possible case for playing for a national championship despite playing a very, very weak regular season schedule, Boise State will endeavor to blow out each and every opponent by as many points as possible. While the BST was a powerful compass pointing to piles of money earlier this season, its value has increased dramatically in recent weeks. This is directly connected to the fact that Oregon has achieved a Top 10 national ranking and is widely considered a dark horse national championship candidate. As such, Boise State's opening weekend victory over Oregon looks all the more impressive now and provides a bit more ammunition for the Boise State national championship game debate. Accordingly, the Broncos know that it is now more important than ever to deliver severe beatings to lesser competition. Enter Louisiana Tech.

Unpickable Master Lock - CFL:

Boise State @ Louisiana Tech - Line is Boise State -21 - While Ruston, Louisiana is not the most hospitable location for visiting teams, we expect the BST to flex its bulging muscles this evening. Boise realizes that this is one of its last nationally televised opportunities to make its BCS case. They won't let us down. This is a solid football team on both sides of the ball with their point differential sitting at a staggering +219. La Tech will put up an early fight but their will be way too much in the way of Broncos this game. To be same, let's buy a half point to get this line to -20.5. The winner play is Boise State -20.5. LOCK IT UP!

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