Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hail the Yankees - Now Onto Football

The Locks offers an apology for the sporadic nature of our postings recently. The World Series proved to be too emotional a period of time for us and our attention was uncontrollably diverted from all other parts of our life. Alas, the Yankess have won and baseball is over until March. Now we can move full-throttle into football - starting with a Thursday night ESPN game:

Virginia Tech @ East Carolina - Line is Virginia Tech -13 - We're getting back to basics. It is time to restate rule #1 and abide by it. Rule #1 - Always take the points offered to a home dog in a nationally televised weeknight game. We do like West Virginia as a team and think they are much better than their past two performances. However, the power of Rule #1 was been continuously reinforced on a weekly basis this season. Often times, the outcomes of these games defy all logic. That is the reason we need an ironclad rule. So tonight, we'll not only take the points, we'll buy some more. Our play is buying an additional 1.5 points on East Carolina. Take EC +14.5. LOCK IT UP

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