Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two men enter one man leave....

The following is the first in a potential series of guest contributions to Absolute Locks.  This post comes courtesy of Burt Ritz.   Enjoy.

In what promises to be a prelude of things to come in the not so distant playoff picture, the Bushmen face their stiffest competition in a "technically" undefeated Bada Bing team.  Further, it is not without a coincidental twist of fate that the only blemish on the Bush's otherwise stellar record is at the hands of Bada Bing - who would no doubt derive great comfort in defeating the Bush in a repeat affair.  However, the white-hot Bushmen are poised to deny them that satisfaction.

After steamrolling mediocre teams in the first half of the season, the Bush were still regarded by league pundits as an untested team, having lacked solid victories over top tier teams.  However, a tough schedule rounding out the final games of the season, afforded the Bush the opportunity to test their mettle and silence the critics.  With the complete obliteration of Worldwide Prestige in week eight and a late game dismantling of Hit and Run in week nine, the Bush have made their mark on the league and have proven that they are deserving of not only a playoff spot, but another nickel plated trophy that will the have the local Stadium Pub as its final resting place.

At the outset, the Bush was still knocking off the barnacles leftover from the previous season.  But unlike week one in which Bada Bing faced a rusty Bush squad, they will instead encounter a well oiled machine.  After last week's showing, it is as if the Bush has been training in the Siberian snow with only revenge to sustain them throughout the season.  Indeed, it would not be surprising to see a flummoxed Bada Bing team in the seventh inning sharing the same commentary of a defeated Ivan Drago as they bellow, "They are made of steel..."

To ensure this outcome, however, the Bush should not underestimate Bada Bing.  The Bada Bing has a potent offense with a deep bench of precise hitters punctuated with the occasional deep threat.  Furthermore, the precision of Bada Bing hitting is equally matched by its consistency.  Nonetheless, Bada Bing can be beaten, provided that their vulnerabilities are properly exploited.  As an obvious measure to neutralize the Bada Bing hitting machine, the Bushmen must once again come up big on the defensive front.  A strong defense (arguably the best in the league) has been the bedrock of the Bush's winning strategy, although the Bushmen will not be able to secure victory on defense alone - they will have to sustain hitting momentum through a series of well executed base knocks.

After last week's pistol show, the Bush will take the gloves off this week with the long range artillery.  Underpinned by a hitting trinity in K-Fordon, Timmy C and Matt Scerri, expect a strategic bombing campaign with big hitters Bobby C. and Matt Hussey.  A sleeping giant will awaken as Jimmy Charlesworth unleashes the dragon with a peppering of hard hit balls to left field.  We can also anticipate rally resuscitation from the likes of John Y, John G. and T-Roy, who have been exceedingly efficient at hitting them when they count.  It also wouldn't be a complete Bush game without a gingerly swing from B. Dirito, who manages to hit the ball just far enough to clear the infield.  The Bush can also count on the intensity of pitcher K. Pollock, the defensive lynch pin that will smother the opposition's attempts at any offensive showing.  Finally, the Bush can rest assured in having the ultimate versatility in Matt Bucci, who will undoubtedly have his Big 5 swishy pants hiked up so high that it would make Steve Urkel mad with envy.

While the playoffs are all but guaranteed for the Bush, one should not discount the importance of the upcoming showdown with the Bada Bing.  At stake is the top seed spot for the Playoffs - and more importantly, the best record of the regular season.  Expect this epic struggle to be a back and forth battle ending with a late game thriller.  Bring your eye patches and chainsaws, this is going to be a 10-8 70's style victory at the Thunderdome...

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