Thursday, September 16, 2010

No More Monkey Business

The proverbial calm before the storm is upon our 70's Style Bushes.  We have essentially two bye weeks in play before our first playoff game in a long time.  What, you want to warn me against taking the Inept Monkeys too lightly this evening?  Save it, I retort.  We all know these Impotent Monkeys have mentally checked out of this season many weeks ago.  Just look at this photographic evidence I recently uncovered:

These Monkeys have greater interests these days then playing softball (not that I can say I disapprove of their behavior).  THE MONKEYS ARE WHAT WE THINK THEY ARE!

What tonight boils down to is the Bush making the most of an opportunity to tune up heading into the playoffs.  A chance to wash away the acidic taste of last week's meager effort against the wannabe Sopranos from Bada Bing.  An invitation to build momentum with the sticks and gloves as potential October glory dances on the horizon.  An opening to send a message to the Hit N Runs, Prestige Worldwides and Bada Bings of the world that the summer league championship runs through our 70s Style Bush.  Regardless of whether that Bush is nappy and unkempt or shampooed and towel-dried, it will have a say in the manner in which this season ends.

So for one game, the Locks makes no prediction of success for the Bush or those battle tested warriors that comprise its roster.  For the outcome tonight is not in question.  IT NEVER HAS BEEN!  Guys like Matt Hussey, John Gilganis and Brien Dirito were born (some much longer ago than others) for this moment.  Guys like Matt Bucci, Tim Crvarich, Kevin Pollock and Bobby Carini were conceived with this in mind.  Guys like John Yannuzzi, Burt Ritz, Troy Neves and Kevin Fordon were brought into this world for this express purpose.  Guys like Sean Greche, Matt Scerri and Tim Brons having been meandering through their whole lives on a path that leads right to this moment. 

The Bush goes into the playoffs with attitude.  

The Bush goes into the playoffs with moxie.
The Bush goes into the playoffs with purpose.  

The Bush goes into the playoffs carrying the scalp of an ANGRY MONKEY!  

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