Monday, August 10, 2009

Maybe We Got Ahead of Ourselves

All it takes is a bumpy Sunday to remind us that handicapping ain't as easy as sharing a lousy breakfast with Borton and deciding to implement a new format. While we do like the Locks' new approach, we need to be realistic about what it means to results. We struggled through a 6-8 day yesterday which included a 1-2 record with our Unpickable Master Locks. In fact, the two Ls we took in those UMLs were not even close (thanks Matt Cain and Tampa's bullpen).

Not all was lost though, as the Yankees took down the Beantown Buttnuts for the four game sweep. Even better, they did it in a thoroughly demoralizing fashion by giving the Sox a slight glimmer of hope that was then dashed by a rabid choke-slam from the Damon/Texeira tag-team. Today it is good to be a Yankee fan. Let's hope we can say the same in late October.

Like any new day, today provides us with an opportunity to get back on track. So on the eve of us all being woefully disappointed to finally learn what the 23 smiling electrical outlet viral ad campaign from GM means, here are your winners:

Unpickable Master Locks:

Oakland @ Baltimore - I love it when I eyeball a match-up, decide I really like one of the teams a lot, and then consult the Vegas lines to see the team I like is a big dog. I really do like that. Thus was the case with the A vs O showdown. The Athletics are playing a bunch of guys who have rather limited tastes of big league action. When you do that in August of a lost season, you tend to rarely find yourself getting outhustled or outworked. The A's guys are playing for 2010 roster spots. Not only that, they're having some nice success doing so. This team is playing relatively well of late. That includes Gio Gonzalez who just put together a rather impressive three start stretch against the Yankees, Red Sox and Rangers - 3 high octane linueps. Combined that with the fact that Baltimore is starting human punching bag Jeremy Guthrie who didn't even make it out of the first inning earlier this year vs. Oakland and all signs point to OakTown. Did I mention, the A's are 3-0 against the O's this season? Take Oakland (+145) to knock around Guthrie and get the win, 7-4. LOCK IT UP

Cincinnati @ St. Louis - I'm not trying to continually pick the same team in my UMLs, I swear. It just so happens that I really like this Card team and their match-ups of late have been attractive. I must admit that I'm a bit skittish about having Kyle Loshe on the hill after what the Reds did to Matt Cain yesterday. However, I just think that St. Louis is in the zone right now. I have a hard time envisioning them losing these very winnable games at home. Johnny Cueto has pitched well against the Cards this year but those games were a while ago, before the revamped Red Birds took form. Don't look for this one to be easy but the Cards (-170) will get it done. Take St. Louis to win 5-4. LOCK IT UP

Chicago @ Seattle - Here is another game that I handicapped and then realized I like the underdog. These M's are back to being a scrappy bunch that is not making life easy for their opponents. The offense is suddenly potent with major contributions from Ichiro, Lopez and Gutierrez, plus the return of Beltre and the addition of Jack Wilson. While Gavin Floyd's numbers of late have been very good for ChiTown, he's never fared well against the M's. Seattle gets its second look at newly acquired Lucas French, who pitched exceptionally well in his debut. I know that Chicago is the better team here but I have a hunch about tonight. I think Floyd gets knocked around early and the M's hold on for the W. Take Seattle (+110) to win 7-6. LOCK IT UP

Remaining Games:

Yankees (-146)
Tigers (-108)
Astros (+150)
Rockies (-142)
Dbacks (-155)
Angels (+113)
Giants (-101)

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