Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hump Day - Part Deux

Even though we went 8-9 last evening, we managed to scratch out a $1 profit. That brings the BAT to +$80 and our cumulative record to 102-94.

Since the MLB schedule is a revolving door today, we're going to post three different columns analyzing the games. Last night we gave you the three early games (So far: Yanks look good, Brewers bad and Cubs can't tell).

We have three midday games on this Wednesday as well. As such, here is the second of today's three installments.

Florida @ San Diego - We tried to get cute last night and support the oh so woeful San Diego Padres. What were we thinking? That offense is horrendous. Is it even conceivable that Florida can sweep a team on the West Coast? Methinks the answer is yes. Locks favorite Ricky Nolasco is on the hill. While the Fish are not necessarily an offensive juggernaut, they still have enough to wrap this one up early and then head on over to the must-see San Diego Zoo. Take Florida (-144) to win 5-3. LOCK IT UP

Minnesota @ Oakland - Here's another example of us going against our basic rules (e.g. the A's completely suck) and trying to win points by being contrarian last evening. We won't make that mistake again today. Especially with the Twins throwing a southpaw against Oakland (A's are 12-19 vs. lefties this year). The thing that makes backing the Twins so tough is that their pitchers turn into little girls on the road. The thing(s) that makes backing the Twins so easy are their 3-5 hitters (Mauer, Morneau and Kubel). Look to Minny (-107) to take the rubber game of this series 5-4. LOCK IT UP

Arizona @ Colorado - For some reason, we're absolutely agonizing over this game. Perhaps it is the wildly inflated moneyline (Colorado -225). Perhaps it is because John Garland has pitched much better for the DBacks than his numbers indicate, especially as of late. Give me a minute here. OK. Thanks. Now back to reality. The Rockies are a very solid team, playing very good baseball of late and, most importantly, making us more consistent dough than any other ML team. Let's not get cute (we saw what that did to us last night). John Garland is John Garland and that is no compliment. Umbaldo Jiminez has a no-hitter in him sometime over the next season or two. Colorado is where that really crazy train that makes everything get really cold, really fast comes from. Nuff said. Rockies minus 1.5 runs (-110). They will win 6-2. LOCK IT UP

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