Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday Lightning Round

Running very late today so we're going to keep the commentary to a minimum. It's not like any of you guys read that shit anyway. I'm sure this is more of a "just give me the picks" type of crowd. So today you'll get your wish.

First some housekeeping. Maybe the Giants should be big favorites when Jonathan Sanchez pitches after all. Also want to send a big shit sandwich out to Brad Lidge who gave up a meaningless two-out 9th inning home run to bust my 1.5 run line in the Phillies game last night. He won't be getting a Christmas Card from the Locks anytime soon. We went a grand total of 8-6 yesterday but more importantly netted out +$22. That brings the BAT to a respectable +58.

Here are today's rapid-fire winners:

Oakland @ Tampa Bay - TAMPA BITCHES. They keep it rolling at home behind Garza who will dominate the A's. Take the Ray's minus 1.5 runs at +105. Final score is 7-2. LOCK IT UP

Toronto @ Baltimore - Ricky Romero has looked very impressive recently. I put my crush on the O's offense on hold for a day. Rich Hill will get lit up today. Take the Jays minus 1.5 runs at +125. They'll win 8-4. LOCK IT UP

Chicago @ Minnesota - Love the Twins at home as long as they aren't playing the Yankees. Sox have been hot but the Twins hitters will do enough today. Take the Twinkies (-115) to win outright, 6-5. LOCK IT UP

Kansas City @ Boston - I can't believe I remain a staunch supporter of the BoSox but they're gonna bust out of this offense funk eventually and cover a 1.5 run line. I don't buy John Smoltz at all but he's got to pitch well eventually. I'll roll the dice that the Sox bats batter Meche today and cover the 1.5 runs (+110). Boston wins 7-4. LOCK IT UP

Pittsburgh @ Philadelphia - Got to ride the Phillies as long as they keep on winning. Hopefully Lidge doesn't get the chance to eliminate a two run lead in the 9th. Take the Phils minus the 1.5 runs at -120. Phils roll to a 6-2 victory. LOCK IT UP

Cleveland @ Detroit - Am I really backing Carl Pavano and the Cleveland Indians? I've got to check my head. However, the Injins can't lose every game and they are getting to face Armando Gallaraga. Take the Tribe in a minor upset at +103. They'll win 7-5. LOCK IT UP

Cincinnati @ NYM - Yup, I'm betting against the great Santana. That is how bad these Mets are. They need to score in order to win and Johnny Cueto is gonna make that tough for these minor leaguers. Take the advantageous moneyline and the Reds (+119). They will win a tight one on a Met miscue. 3-2. LOCK IT UP

LA @ Milwaukee - Keep riding the teams that make you money. Dodgers will roll even though I absolutely hate Jeff Weaver from his Yankee days. Brewers need to start playing some less talented teams. Take Dodgers (-110) to win 5-4. LOCK IT UP

Washington @ Houston - Not picking this game. No chance.

Atlanta @ Colorado - OK, I surrender. I will roll the dice and back Jason Marquis. This should be what it takes to find end his hot streak. Take the Rockies to win (-113). Final score will be 4-2. LOCK IT UP

Florida @ Arizona - Not at all interested in this game. Sorry.

San Diego @ San Francisco - The Padres might have to wait until Sunday to get a hit. Cain will keep them frustrated. Take the Giants and give the 1.5 runs (-120). They'll win 7-1. LOCK IT UP

Texas @ Seattle - This is a tough one. I love the Rangers but also respect the way the Mariners have been playing, and especially hitting. I'll take Washburn to win this one at home in a tightly contested affair. Take the M's (-114) to win. It goes 4-2. LOCK IT UP

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