Friday, July 3, 2009

Redemption Song, I Think

Well, well, well. The comments are pouring in and they are of the type that I would expect considering the sources and my performance to date. Apparently, I am achieving my objective of entertaining my readers but doing so for all the wrong reasons. If my goal was to be someone that got laughed at, instead of laughed with, I would have gone to clown college. So now I find myself at one of those proverbial forks in the road. A turning point at which one must select between two paths knowing that once started down the chosen path, there is no way back to the point of origination. I'm like President Palmer before he starred in 24 and those annoying Allstate commercials. I'm thinking all the way back to Heat when he played an ex-con short-order cook trying to piece his life back together. Well, he had to choose between continuing to grill eggs or going for the big score as part of Deniro's crew. His choice ended up with him dead in a car. I'm hoping that my fate turns out a bit better.

So what are my two choices you ask? (1) I can let the commenters' antagonism demoralize me and force me to hang up my spurs a mere three days and 8-15 record into this adventure; or, (2) I can stand tall, ignore the potshots from the masses and continue to deliver a high-quality product whose power of prediction is sure to improve. An easy choice, I agree. I will select (1). With that, I a bid you farewell and thank you for your short period of support.

HA! Not a good damn chance in hell that I will snap under the first signs of adversity. I am strong like bull. I have a brain like a scientist and an arm like a fucking cannon. Well maybe not the arm part but you get the point. I am Kenny Powers once he realizes that he needs to get back on top. This is my speech to the school over the PA. I AM A FUCKING CHAMPION. Somewhere Stevie Janowsky is applauding and trying to get the fat kid to hit the cymbals.

With that, I ask anyone with the balls to get behind a fallen hero on his way back to the top to immerse themselves in the following glimpses into the future and leverage this insight into an expanded bank account. LOCK IT UP!

Toronto at NYY - Yanks bounce back from an inconceivable defeat at the hands of the lowly Mariners. AJ Burnett is coming off his best start of the year and is beginning to hit his stride. My gut tells me he picks up his buddy CC and treats his former teammates with much contempt. Toronto's Brian Tallet is a relatively soft-tossing lefty with pervasive control issues whose numbers in day games are much worse than when he pitches under the stars. He's in trouble today. Take Yanks minus 1.5 runs at +105. NY wins 7-3. LOCK IT UP

Milwaukee at Chicago - This is an interesting game that I can see going either way and/or getting out of control offensively. My guess is that the Brewers wish they didn't have to keep starting Jeff Suppan, especially against the Cubs. He's been lit up by the Cubbies in both games he's faced them this season. However, the Cubs have the Gary Busey of baseball taking the hill for them. Part insane and part potentially violent, Carlos Zambrano is certainly worth the price of admission. The question is: will he pitch up to his talent level or down to his mental capacity. I'm thinking somewhere in between but today that is enough as the Cubs offense keeps rolling. Take the Cubs, minus 1.5 runs at +125. Final score is 8-5. LOCK IT UP

Seattle at Boston - In my mind, this game hinges on one very simple question: How well will Tim Wakefield's knuckleball be moving today? If Wakefield is on and keeps the Mariners in check, the Boston offense will do enough against King Felix to get the win. However, if the knuckleball is not in top form, then the Mariners will put up enough runs for Hernandez to lead them into the W column. I'm leaning toward the latter scenario. Wakefield's knuckler has a tendency to become more hittable during the warmer summer months. I like the Mariners to secure the victory 5-3. Take them to win outright at -101. LOCK IT UP

TB @ Texas - I was very surprised by the line in this game which has the Rays at -143. Don't get me wrong, I like the Rays and the way they have been playing lately. However, this is only Scott Kazmir's second start off the DL and I haven't seen anything to convince me he is back to his old self. Plus, it's going to be in the high 90s in Arlington today. Not the conditions you want a guy working his way back into shape to experience. Texas seems to have something special going for them this year, especially at home. They just took 2 out of 3 from Anaheim who was one of the hottest teams in baseball. The Rays aren't going to scare these guys. I'll take the Rangers (+123) to roll in this one. Final score is 6-4. LOCK IT UP

St. Louis @ Cincinnati - Sometimes a game is just obvious and not in need of much analysis. This is one of those games. The Cardinals are a no-brainer. Pineiro has been pitching well. Homer Bailey has never pitched well. The Cards are a scrappy, fundamental team that knows how to win. The Reds are not. The Cardinals have Fat Albert. Plus, this is another line that just doesn't make sense to me. I'll take advantage of that. Cards (-116) win 7-3. LOCK IT UP

Detroit @ Minnesota - Minnesota at home = great. Minnesota at home with Kevin Slowey pitching = really great. Simple as that. Mauer and Morneau have there way with some guy named Lucas French (I did not make that up) making his first start. Really? Some guy named French pitching the day before Independence Day? You think Detroit has any chance? Twins will cover the -1.5 runs to pay you +120. LOCK IT UP

Baltimore @ LAA - Same script as last night. Baltimore is on the wrong coast against a vastly superior team. Ervin Santana follows John Lackey in showing Angels fans that their best pitchers are rounding back into form. Halos make this look easy and cover the -1.5 runs. Take them at +130 in a 9-4 victory. LOCK IT UP

Chicago at Kansas City - I'm going out on a limb here because I think Vegas always overvalues the Royals when Zack Greinke pitches. Does he have the chance to throw a shutout every time he pitches? Absolutely. Do the Royals have the chance to not give Greinke enough runs to work with? Most definitely. It's a bit of a reach but I like having the money line in my favor and the Sox have won me money three straight days. I'm sticking with it. Sox (+130) win 4-2. LOCK IT UP

1 comment:

  1. Ok.. Now we're talking. 5-3 is more like it. Looks like the speech worked!
