Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend Recap and Holiday Notice

Well, the Locks have had quite a weekend. Following the 9-5 Friday that we posted, we threw up a 7-6 Saturday and a 9-5 Sunday. We netted $19 for the BAT on Saturday and added another $43 today. That brings the Locks cumulative numbers since kicking off this little experiment on June 30 to 139-118 (54%) and a BAT of +$237. If you were a real high roller and laying $100 for each game we've handicapped, you'd have netted a cool $2,370.00 in just under four weeks. Not too bad.

With the wild success that we've had this weekend, we think we've earned a day off. Actually, we're partaking in a charity golf event on Monday with a few of the Locks' loyal followers. As such, we'll be dedicating our time to more important endeavors than simple sports handicapping. We'll be back in action first thing Tuesday morning. In the meantime, if you're feeling charitable, check out Shelter Inc. It is a truly worthwhile organization that is appreciative of any help (monetary, volunteering or otherwise) that anyone might be so inclined to offer.

See you Tuesday, when we'll also be posting all entries from the NFL U/O Challenge.

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